Email templates you and your customers will love.

Create beautiful email templates in no time, thanks to 100s of templates and simple tools.

Feature templates hero image

Get started with a template that fits your unique business.


Want to see more templates?

Easy editing features make anything possible.

100s of Templates icon
100s of templates

Start with a template and you’re halfway there. Just add your details and send.

Drag-&-Drop Editing - icon
Drag-&-drop editing

Prefer to flex your design skills? Our tools are as powerful as they are easy.

Ready for Mobile icon
Ready for mobile

Look great on every screen with templates designed to adjust automatically.


Styles to fit every business and brand.

Choose from hundreds of beautifully designed, mobile-responsive email templates for your business. They’re easy to edit and customize, so you can use them for whatever you want to say-whenever you want to say it.

Keep your audience captivated.

Newsletters are a surprisingly effective tool for everyone. Nonprofits use them to get the word out on everything from upcoming events to fundraising. Businesses use them to build their brand with interesting content.

Keep your audience captivated - Rebrand

"Constant Contact templates make me look like a pro!"

— Liz Fanning, CorpsAfrica

Looking for a little inspiration?

4 Essential Templates to Jumpstart Your Email Marketing

4 Essential Templates to Jumpstart Your Email Marketing

The key to writing a marketing email is to follow the 3 Cs — Clear, Concise and Compelling.

Email Invitation Templates: How to Create and Use Them

Email Invitation Templates: How to Create and Use Them

From a New Year’s bash to Friends-mas, you’ll be able to create and edit email templates.

Ready to test drive our digital marketing tools?