The excitement that can be created by a simple announcement email is often overlooked by small businesses.

Of course, we’ve all seen the big product launches created by the likes of Apple and Nike but what can a small business do when they have a new product? Or what about just when something new and exciting is happening with their business?
That’s where the announcement email can come into play.
Whether you have a new digital update to your app, there’s a new employee behind your counter, or you’re starting a new annual fundraising event, an announcement email is the best way to share that information with your contacts.
What is an announcement email?
An announcement email is a marketing tool used to announce anything that is new to your business or nonprofit.
And while that’s pretty self-explanatory, i.e. something new should be announced, announcement emails can, and often do, go hand-in-hand with event invitations. The difference is that an invitation usually requires a formal rsvp and an announcement email usually doesn’t.
How do you write an announcement email?
Writing an announcement email is really quite simple. In fact, it’s as easy as 1-2-3.
Just keep in mind that no matter what’s being announced, it’s important to use email marketing best practices, and it’s imperative that your announcement email answers the following questions:
- What’s new?
- Why should the reader care (or what’s in it for them)?
- What do you want them to do about it (a call to action)?
Announcement email examples with use-case scenarios
Here are a few announcement email examples with use-case scenarios to get your creative juices flowing.
Announcement email for a new real estate development
Let’s say you’re a real estate agent or broker, and you’re working with a contractor who is renovating a historic building in prime downtown territory.
This is a big win, not only for your agency but also for the local community because it’s helping to revitalize the area, as well as open up new, highly sought-after office space.
It’s exciting! So, where do you start?
1. Start by announcing the upcoming opportunity
Let people know what’s coming, even before they can start leasing office space. Start to build the excitement the moment it becomes exciting to you. And don’t forget to catch your reader’s attention.

2. Answer the question of why your subscribers should care
Maybe this is the first time that new office spaces have been available in LoDo since the Nixon era and you know that some of them have been looking for a new space for almost as long. So, why should they care? Because it’s their one chance to get what they’ve been looking for.

3. Make sure to tell them what they can do about it
Give them clear, and easy directions as to what they need to do.

Announcement email for a parade
While not everyone throws a parade, that doesn’t mean you can’t.
Maybe you’re a Cheese Monger in Wisconsin and last year you almost ran out of the most popular Christmas cheese in town. But this year, you’ve ordered a giant wheel of this one particular cheese from Holland and you want everyone to know that your shop is the place to get their cheese for Christmas.
In a flash of creative genius you think, hey, it’s a 400lb wheel of cheese from Holland! It’s a big deal! Let’s have a parade!
Now how do you announce that? Easy!
Again, think about the three primary questions that have to be answered; what,, why, and now what?
1. Start with the event
The cheese is why, but the parade answers the question concerning ‘what’ is going on.

2. Answer the question as to why your subscribers should care
Think about why you’re excited about it, and most of the time you’ll have your answer, right there.

3. Always remember to let them know what they need to do to join in on the fun.
If all they need to do is show up, then make sure to tell them exactly where and at what time.

Example of an announcement email for a nonprofit event
Let’s say your business is a nonprofit dedicated to giving shelter to animals that are displaced due to national disasters and hurricane season always comes too soon.
You need to raise money, all year long, so you and your team can be ready when the time comes.
During a brainstorming session with your team, you decide to have a dog walk. But not just any dog walk. A dog-walk-a-thon! You’re going to invite both dog owners, and non-owners to walk dogs. Lots of dogs. Their own dogs, their friend’s dogs, and even dogs that are up for adoption at local shelters . . . all dogs and all people. It’s going to practically be a dog-a-palooza!
After you’ve nailed down the date, it’s time to send out the save-the-date announcements.
1. Let your subscribers know what’s going to take place
While you might have a catchy name for the event, like “The BIG dog-walk-a-thon”, you have to make sure and let them know exactly what that is.
Try something like this:

Don’t worry about how long it is, just make sure that when it’s a unique event there’s enough of a description to really let your subscribers know what it is.
2. The easiest part of writing an announcement for a nonprofit event is answering the question of why your subscribers should care
This is where you want to share your driving force. Why do you do what you do? This is also why they would care about what you’re doing, and why you’re hosting the event.
Maybe include some statistics that not everyone would immediately be aware of, while you’re pulling on the heartstrings.

Include supporting information in your announcement email.
3. Be very clear about what you want your subscribers to do
Whether you’re asking for volunteers or participants, you have to let your recipient know exactly what to do in order to get involved.

More announcement email examples
I just gave you some small business use-case scenarios to get you thinking about how the different parts of an announcement email can be included in an email, without having to add a lot of content or spending a great deal of time.
However, if you’re launching a product you’ll likely want to include more details about the product in the launch email.
Let’s take a look at how these announcement emails meet the 1-2-3 criteria.
Digital product release announcement

When announcing a new digital product, make sure to let your readers know exactly how they can get the product, and what it’s for.
- What’s new? A phone app.
- Why should the reader care? It will save them money.
- What do you want them to do about it? Get the free pass.
Product launch announcement

When it comes to product launch announcement emails, it’s important to focus on the product itself with clear images and clear yet concise product descriptions.
- What’s new? A skin creme.
- Why should the reader care? It will visibly brighten skin tone and reduce the appearance of fine lines.
- What do you want them to do about it? Learn more or buy it.
While this particular announcement has more than one call to action (CTA) it gives those readers who are sold on the announcement alone the option to make a purchase. And those who aren’t too sure about the product can get more information.
Preorder sales announcement

When announcing a product that’s not yet available, be clear when presales start as well as when the product will be released for download, pick up, or to start shipping to those who preorder/prepurchase.
- What’s new? A collection of kids’ books.
- Why should the reader care? To start conversations around gender identity and inclusion early.
- What do you want them to do about it? See the collection.
While most announcement emails give recipients the option to make a purchase, sometimes a product needs more explanation and if you know that upfront, creating a good landing page and directing traffic from your announcement email may be the best way to go.
When to send an announcement email
Now we have an idea of what to say, and maybe how to say it, but when is the best time to announce something?
As cliché as it sounds, the best time to announce something is when you’re ready.
In other words; you want to send out an announcement when you have all the details nailed down and you’re ready to let people know about the “new thing” happening with your business or nonprofit.
Announcing an event
If you’re announcing an event and you just want people to show, then you’ll want a save-the-date announcement to go out that gives people plenty of time to make arrangements to attend.
A few months in advance should do the trick.
Then, follow up with a reminder within a few weeks of the event and a third within a few days of the event. Don’t forget to include tips for parking, dressing for the weather, what to bring, and what to expect.
TIP: Use SMS/text messages for sending out reminders on the day of the event.

If you’re planning an event where people need to volunteer, rsvp, or gather donations and sponsorships, you’ll want the save-the-date to go out as soon as you have the date locked down. This could be as much as a year in advance, in some cases.
After that, you’ll want to focus on sending out event invitations, registration forms, and reminders
Announcing a product launch
When launching a product you first need to decide if you’re going to make the product available to your subscribers before the general public or at the same time. Then, you need to decide if you want to announce before or after the product is available.
Once you’ve made those decisions, the “when to send an announcement email” is easy.
If you’re announcing before the product is available, you should send out the announcement email as soon as you know how and when the product will be available to consumers.
If you’re announcing once the product is available, schedule your announcement to coincide with product availability and any other marketing strategies you are planning to use.
Announcing a new employee
When announcing a new employee, there are two schools of thought.
The first is to make the announcement after the hiring date but prior to their first day on the job. This lets your customers know that a new face will be showing up before she/he does
The second school of thought is to wait until after a training period has been completed and you know the new hire is going to work out. Then send an announcement/welcome-aboard email out.
Which one you choose will depend upon your business and hiring practices.
Start letting your customers know what’s new
As you can see, announcement emails really are as easy as 1-2-3.
- Know what to announce
- Answer the three “need to know” questions
- Send announcements when you’re ready
So, what’s coming up in your business that you’d like your subscribers to know about?
From small things to big deals, don’t just slide the information into your next newsletter. Instead, share your excitement by making an announcement!
Ready to create your next email? Choose your template.