You know that silence during a dinner when, suddenly, no one has anything to say?
That uncomfortable silence is being recreated on Facebook Pages everywhere.
Businesses are asking questions that go unanswered and posting news items and product pictures that tragically go un-liked.
Here are 11 reasons that you might be getting the cold shoulder from fans, and examples of how you can start avoiding those awkward dinner silences and start getting engagement on your Page:
1. Your questions are too personal
Many small businesses and organizations know that questions can get fans involved, but it’s a certain kind of question. Don’t ask people what they’re doing for the weekend – if they want to share those plans on Facebook, they’ll do so with their friends.
Instead, focus on questions that directly engage what you know your audience is interested in. How do you know your audience’s interests? Well, they liked your Page, so they must like your industry. Go with that:
2. The tone of the post is uninspiring
Remember, Facebook isn’t necessarily a business environment. You want to keep things conversational and inspiring.
That doesn’t mean you need to throw eight exclamation points at the end of every post, just be positive and try not to sound like a robot.
The best part is that, if you do hit the right tone, you can post about almost anything:
3. Every post is a block of black-and-white text
A Facebook Page that is crowded with an army of text isn’t just painful on the eyes, it’s boring. Smartphones and digital cameras have made it extremely easy to share pictures of what you do, so don’t neglect those opportunities!
Better yet, make some pictures of your own. Our social media team here at Constant Contact will search Google or Pinterest for pictures, or even take snippets of infographics and put a quote or a snarky remark on it, so they come out like this beauty:
4. You’re trying to sell without getting to know your customers
Fans Like your Page because they’re passionate about your organization, but they’re also passionate about your industry.
That means that the occasional post about a product is fine, but make it clear that there’s a reason behind the post. Maybe the product just came in, maybe it’s a solution for a recently published news article … or maybe the photo just came out really well and you know your fans will love it:
5. You’re not sharing the right stuff
Since fans are passionate about your industry, you can bet that they expect news, tips, and photos that are from that industry. The idea is to start becoming a great community and, most importantly, a resource.
Confusing? Let’s say your business is a gym. You can share exercises and routines, but what else is your audience interested in? Well, it’s probably safe to assume that they wouldn’t mind healthy recipes, beauty advice, or posts that help them get to know their trainers a little better:
6. You’re not asking ‘why?’
Every time you post something to Facebook and expect engagement, ask yourself, “Why would someone “like” this?”
People like posts because they agree with them, find them interesting, or find them funny. That’s about it. If there’s no passion in the post, then you won’t get any in return.
7. You’re not returning the favor
Speaking of “return,” don’t forget to return the favor. Commenters should feel like their feedback is appreciated – otherwise, what’s the point of getting involved? Be sure to respond when appropriate.
8. Your Page has an identity crisis
Before your organization steps foot onto Facebook, it can pay off to design an editorial calendar. This can give you a sense of what you’ll be posting on Facebook regularly.
But don’t get stuck on an editorial calendar, either. That risks putting your Page in a bobbing bubble of boring. Give yourself some flexibility to engage about current events in your business and in the industry at large.
Give your opinion when you’re sharing these things: that gives your Page a personality, and that personality (and your expertise!) is what fans will want to see.
9. You’re not offering anything
Some businesses choose to use third-party apps like Constant Contact to create contests that mandate fan participation as part of the entry:
10. You’re giving up too fast
Prepare for more than a few awkward dinner room silences. Building up an audience on Facebook takes time and engaging them can take even longer.
Your goal should be to establish a personality and establish what, exactly, people will find when they come to your Page. The rest should follow naturally.
11. You’re forgetting the most important thing…
I’ll let you in on a little secret – I personally have a very high standard for outright “liking” a post. So do 99.5% of fans of the top 200 brands on Facebook.
That’s right. A study found that just 0.5% of fans of these 200 brands were actively engaging the Page on a given week.
Don’t forget that people come to Facebook to connect with their friends and family first. Everything else is secondary.
There are a lot of lurkers out there – just because no one is responding doesn’t mean no one is reading!
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